Whey Protein For Better Fitness & Health

Whey Protein For Better Fitness & Health

Mar 29, 2023Mike Walls

In the last decade, whey protein has captured the attention of health, fitness and wellness professionals, earning its standing as a core nutritional component for optimal health. Studies rank whey highest among all proteins for its biological value, touting its superiority in both digestibility and nutritional impact. In fact, whey is among the most readily and completely absorbed proteins, making this superfood the ultimate bang for your buck.

In the world of competitive athletics, whey is hardly breaking news. In fact, elite athletes have been incorporating whey into their routines for over 30 years, recognizing the performance advantages it offers in creating and maintaining lean muscle mass and sustainable energy.

But, what about those of us more interested in living a healthier lifestyle than breaking world records? Recent research shows that whey offers numerous health benefits to those of us simply hoping to look, feel and function at our best. This power protein is not only ideal for lean muscle formation, but also for weight loss, recovery from stress, healthy aging and maintaining a balanced immune system. Whether you are seeking meal replacement shakes for breakfast or are trying to find a diet shake that works, read on to learn more about the benefits of whey that are being harnessed by Excel Performance.

Below are just a few facts on how whey protein can help you live a healthier and happier life:

Whey contains essential amino acids needed to keep your metabolism up and your body lean. Whey protein contains as many as 22 amino acids, including all of those required to boost metabolism, form and maintain lean muscle mass, and efficiently burn fat. As we age, the 50,000 different proteins and 15,000 known enzymes in our bodies become increasingly susceptible to breaking down, relying more and more on the nutritional intake of essential amino acids to promote metabolic health.

Whey helps maintain optimal immune functioning. Research shows that many health conditions of the brain, cardiovascular system, joints, muscles, eyes and skin are tied to imbalances in our immune response. Unlike many animal and vegetable proteins, whey protein has been proven to fight inflammation and keep our immune system functioning robustly. Because immune inflammations and imbalances are often triggered by toxins in our modern-day environment and foods, the benefits of whey protein have become increasingly important to maintaining long-term health. What’s more, Excel Performance offers the ability to take advantage of these benefits with our meal replacement drinks for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Which brings us to...

Whey helps control appetite. Studies show that whey protein stimulates the release of appetite-suppressing hormones, glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) and cholecystokinin (CCK). Additionally, whey protein has a balancing effect on leptin, the hormone that tells our brain to stop eating. Again, our modern-day toxic environment causes imbalances, in this case creating leptin resistance in the brain. The result is a gradual shutting down the fullness response, which is why we find it so easy to overeat. Whey helps to break this gut-brain resistance barrier and switch off our hunger cues.

Whey helps regulate blood sugar. Whey protein has been found to slow the absorption of glucose into your bloodstream, helping the body to regulate blood sugar levels and avoid quick drops in energy. This also keeps insulin levels under control, enabling your body to burn fat more efficiently and help reduce carbohydrate and sugar cravings. This is why people have come to identify whey protein with phrases like “weight loss milkshakes” and “slimming shakes that work”.

Whey makes healthy snacking convenient and delicious. When the all too familiar 4 pm slump hits, many of us reach for the quick, easy fix of calorie-laden foods. A high-protein, low-fat snack is tough to come by in the office vending machine, and carrying around chicken breasts is hardly a desirable, or satisfying, option for most. Whey powder is convenient to carry and can easily be added to yogurt, oatmeal or just mixed with water or juice. With whey, healthy snacking is totally hassle-free. Some more good news is that you can find a food replacement drink which utilizes the nutritional benefits of whey protein by shopping at Excel Performance. Our (genuinely) good tasting protein powder can help change your life for the better.

Whey protein is the protein of choice for anyone looking to perform better, look and feel their very best or just live a healthier lifestyle. Packed with vital nutrients that are highly digestible and easily absorbed, whey offers health advantages far beyond most other vegetable and animal proteins. Whether you’re looking to defeat the competition, or just claim victory over the stresses of life, whey should be an integral part of your day.

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